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Let the Rhythm Guide You – Can Music Alleviate Stress?

“Music produces a kind of pleasure
which human nature cannot do without.”
– Confucius

A world of silence would be a boring world. We oftentimes realize, when surrounded by too much silence, how much music actually helps us get through the day. Music has the fascinating ability to unite people, bring color and emotions into our lives, and even act as an antidote to difficult times.

Among other things, stress is a feeling which many experience some time in their lives, whether it be from an event which caused anger or sadness, or from external pressures in our daily routines, one of them being work. However, there are several ways one can combat stress and one of them is with the help of music. So, how, one may wonder, does music have the power to alleviate stress?

Extensive research has been conducted surrounding the benefits of music and the common outcome is its capability to relax us and help us let go of stress. Other benefits of incorporating music into our lives are:

  • The reduction of cortisol levels
    Cortisol is a hormone, mostly known as the stress hormone, found in our body which acts as the body’s alarm system. When too much is going on around us, the “alarm” starts to go off, causing the body to panic and become tense. In turn, this tension creates stress. Music has the ability to reduce the body’s excess production of cortisol, causing it to relax and let loose.
  • Releases dopamine
    Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and hormone, known as the “feel good” hormone in the body. Higher levels of dopamine result in joy, happiness, and pleasure, whereas lower levels cause sadness and a bad mood. Research indicates that when people listen to music they enjoy and like, their dopamine levels increase, leading to happiness and joy. 
  • It helps us sleep
    Music soothes the nervous system and acts as a distraction to daily stressors, causing us to relax and fall asleep easier. Experts and research suggest that music encompassed with sounds of nature, rain, and waves, are the most effective to falling asleep to.
  • Affects our heart rate
    Music, specifically slow and classical music, has the power to reduce our heart rate, causing our muscles to relax and our body to loosen up.

Apart from the aforementioned benefits that music can have on our lives, due to the fact that the science and research behind music is so prominent, music can also be used as a professional therapeutic technique; this is known as music therapy. In summary, music therapy uses music and elements of music to accomplish certain goals such as reducing stress and/or improving one’s quality of life. Just as in any other therapy, the healthcare provider builds the session around the patient’s unique needs. Therefore, the number and length of the sessions as well as what pertains in each session depends on those needs.

Music has a funny way of positively affecting the chemicals and hormones in our brain and body which evidently, increase pleasure and joy, decrease stress, and put us in a good mood, which not only helps us deal with our daily stressors, but helps us live a healthier and happier life.

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