Coffee mug with a paper under it, written Work-life balance

How to Promote the Well-Being and Health of Workers in Companies?

People spend most of their time at work. Between meals and trips to work, we dedicate around 10 hours a day to work, so feeling comfortable at it, becomes essential. Contributing to improving employee well-being should be a priority within a company by promoting they can have a healthier life.

One of the main consequences of discomfort at work is work related stress, which in turn can lead to other health problems for the employee such as anxiety. But workplace well-being proposals not only focus on solving problems such as stress but are also designed to cause a positive impact within the company. Therefore, well-being at work:

  • Improves the ability to attract and retain talent.
  • Improves the work environment and climate.
  • Reduces absenteeism.
  • Increases employee motivation and commitment.
  • Improves productivity in the company.

Now that we have highlighted the importance of workplace well-being, you may wonder how to carry it out. These are some keys so that you can generate a feeling of well-being among employees in your company.

1. Balance between work and family life. This can be achieved with very simple measures such as teleworking, flexible hours or even daycare service in the company.

2. Constant improvement of workspaces. Feeling comfortable at work is a vitally important factor so actions to offer employees ergonomic measures or spaces to relax or to rest, among others, will help.

3. Propose challenges and objectives. We all can give our best and show what we are worth by facing proposed challenges and achieving objectives, all accompanied by rewards such as promotions, salary increases, etc. It is important that objectives are always feasible, measurable and challenging.

4. Obtain continuous recognition. Feeling that what you do is important and that your superiors take it into account is a fundamental factor that leads to good employee satisfaction levels.

5. Constant training. So that employees can continue improving their skills and knowledge is highly valued.

6. Promote a good work environment. Organizing activities outside the office, team building or afterwork are also measures that work very well to generate a good atmosphere among colleagues.

7. Promote the active participation of employees. Considering the opinion of workers when making any decision that may impact them will make them feel that their criteria are important.

8. Offer maximum facilities for food. A healthy diet contributes to a person’s well-being. How can we enhance this? For example, offering healthy and varied menus or having its own space for lunch.

9. Encourage a healthy lifestyle. Promote an active lifestyle by organizing sports activities within the company, collaborating on the costs of physical activities or facilitating mobility, for example, by bicycle. Promoting health and well-being in the company is one of the most important points, for example, offering courses to learn how to manage stress and relax will help our employees during busy seasons.

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