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The StressOut Policy Recommendations Report – A Policy Guidance to Address work-related stress on an EU level

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges and demanding work environments, the issue of stress has taken center stage in both our personal lives and professional careers. The StressOut project is a beacon of hope for individuals and businesses seeking effective tools for stress prevention and management. Comprising a consortium of six organizations from five EU member states, namely Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain, Cyprus, and the Netherlands, this project represents a collaborative effort to combat the pervasive issue of stress. At the heart of this initiative lies a comprehensive Policy Recommendation document, a product of extensive research and deliberation, aimed at shaping the way we approach and address stress at the personal and business levels.

The StressOut Project’s Research Framework

Preliminary Survey – A Glimpse into the Current Landscape

The StressOut project initiated its journey in early 2023 with a preliminary survey spanning the five aforementioned EU member states. This survey sought to gain insights into the prevalent stress-related issues and gather data from the very individuals who experience it. Over 150 responses were collected during this initial phase, providing a valuable snapshot of the stress landscape. It is important to note that the survey remains open, with the final document set to incorporate the latest statistics as of summer 2024.

Focus Groups and Individual Interviews – Delving Deeper

In addition to the survey, the project organized 14 focus groups and conducted 5 individual interviews across the same member states. A total of 96 participants, representing employees, employers, and management personnel, were engaged in these sessions. This multi-faceted approach allowed for the validation and elaboration of findings from the preliminary survey. It provided a platform for stakeholders to share their experiences, concerns, and insights about stress.

National Research – Navigating Legal Frameworks

To bolster their knowledge base and gain a deeper understanding of existing practices and legal frameworks, the project carried out national research within the same five member states. This effort helped the consortium appreciate the intricacies of the current legal landscape surrounding stress and burnout.

Key Findings and Recommendations

The culmination of these extensive research activities led to a series of insightful revelations and crucial recommendations:

Lack of Comprehensive Approaches

The consortium concluded that, despite some sporadic measures on both organizational and national levels, most countries are yet to introduce a comprehensive approach to address work-related stress and burnout. The findings highlight a pressing need for holistic solutions.

Corporate Wellness Gaps

While some companies have taken steps like providing mental health training and flexible work arrangements, the survey results paint a sobering picture. A staggering 81% of organizations reported having no corporate wellness plan. A mere 7% indicated that they received stress management training more than once a year, while a whopping 81% reported rarely or never receiving such training. A mere 3% of survey respondents recognized therapy as a stress-coping technique.

Prevention Over Correction

Participants and focus group recommendations resoundingly emphasize the need to focus on prevention rather than correction once stress has already taken its toll on employees. This shift in mindset is pivotal for healthier workplaces.

National-Level Support

Further recommendations underscore the necessity of offering more robust support for employees who experience burnout or work-related stress at the national level. Even in countries where legal frameworks have been established, a dedicated effort in enforcement and compliance is imperative.

Raising Awareness

Lastly, the consortium recommends proactive awareness campaigns targeting the broader working-age population. By spreading knowledge about stress prevention and management, the StressOut project seeks to foster a culture of well-being and resilience across Europe.

The StressOut project’s comprehensive approach to stress prevention and management represents a pivotal step forward in addressing the challenges of our fast-paced, modern world. With the Policy Recommendation document as a roadmap, the consortium strives to create meaningful change on both personal and business levels. By heeding these recommendations and prioritizing stress prevention, we can envision a future where stress’s impact is mitigated, and individuals lead healthier, more balanced lives, while businesses thrive in supportive and nurturing environments.

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